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My Programs


'Love your Body'
90 Day Program

(Holistic Weight-loss, rebalancing the body, & Self-Love)


'Reset & Rejoice'
The 10 Day Cleanse

(detox, Wellness & Body Vitality!)

'Blissful Body'
6 month Program

(Weight-loss, Deep Healing, embodiment & Self-Love)


This is for you if...​​​


  • You would like to heal your metabolism so you can regain metabolic flexibility

  • You would like to lose more weight and get results that actually LAST

  • You want support, guidance, and accountability to step into a healthier way of living

  • You want to learn how to maintain a healthy liver so you can eat what you want

  • You are interested in building natural, healthy habits!

'Spark Your Spirit'
90 Day Program

(Overcome Stress, & Overwhelm / cultivate your inner drive & Delight)

'The Clarity Catalyst'
An 8 Week Journey
(For Women Emerging from Toxic relationships who are Looking to rekindle their souls & get clear on how to move forwards)


This is for you if...


  • You have broken out of a toxic or abusive relationship and you want to take charge of your own life

  • Get crystal clear on your vision for what's next in your life and how you can empower yourself moving forwards

  • Reignite your passion and cultivate strong self-love practices into your life so that you can feel worthy, excited, and empowered again

  • Want to belong to a group of like-minded others who also want to release the pain and take their lives to the next level so that you can feel a sense of tribe and community (also available as a private one-on-one journey)



This is for you if...


  • You feel like your spark has burnt out

  • You are searching for purpose, enthusiasm, and joy in your life

  • You want to rediscover and ignite your personal power

  • You are ready to amplify the amount of love you are experiencing and giving on all levels

  • You are ready to get out of your own way, up-level your life, and step in to your ultimate potential

  • You want to find what sets your soul on fire, and go after it!


This is for you if...​


  • You are sick and tired of feeling overweight and struggling with diets and deprivation

  • You have tried many ways to lose weight and nothing has worked or given you results that LAST

  • You are ready for a step-by-step system to get the body you love

  • You want to create a new relationship to your body and mind

  • You're ready to open the door to feeling more energy, shaving inches off your midsection, and creating a solid foundation of health

  • You're ready work fiercely to become a brand new version of you, one that you get to design and fall in love with! (Don't worry no militant exercise required!)


This is for you if you're looking to...​


  • Shed excess weight (especially abdominal weight),

  • Boost your energy

  • Feel lighter and cleaner

  • Decrease your craving for unhealthy foods

  • Experience deeper sleep and clearer skin 

  • Improve your digestion (less gas and bloating)

  • Enhance your body’s ability to mobilize and excrete toxins

  • Decrease congestion and allergy symptoms

  • Discover food sensitivities 

  • Create healthy habits that enliven you


This is for you if...​


  • You're looking for ongoing support, accountability, & guidance to get the body you've always dreamed of

  • You would like more one-on-one coaching time, experiential exercises, and game changing content!

  • You'd like to explore connecting with yourself and your body on a deeper level; releasing limiting beliefs and stepping into your power.

  • You are ready for a step-by-step system to get the body you love

  • You want to create a new, joyful, and unshakeable relationship to your body, mind, and soul.

  • You're ready work fiercely to become a brand new version of you, one that you get to design and fall in love with! (Don't worry no militant exercise required!)

'The real heal'
30 Day Program

Weightloss by Healing Your metabolism)

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain...

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