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What is Regenerative Health?

It's getting to the ROOT CAUSE of discomfort and disease. Then addressing it with dietary & lifestyle changes, nutrient dense foods and medicinal herbs, tinctures, and oils.

Regenerative Health uses NON-INVASIVE techniques to figure out what's going on in the body such as Symptomatology, Iridology, Facial Mapping, and Urine & Bowel Movement Assessments.

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Sunrise over the Wheat Field

Long Lasting 
Health & Vitality!



-Customized Protocols To Transform Your Health-

 Detoxification, Micronutrient Nutrition, Chronic Conditions, Hormonal Health, Fertility, Pregnancy & Postpartum, & Holistic Wellness 


Break Addictions


Stop Suffering

Image by Edward Cisneros

Transform Your Health

Ignite Your Health
 - Detox Guide - PDF 
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My name is Ilsa, founder of Firespark Coaching. I work one-on-one, coaching groups, and hosting events & retreats around holistic wellness, root cause healing, and regeneration of the body & mind.

I'm a certified regenerative health practitioner, iridologist, transformational wellness coach, and hormone specialist. Iridology, facial mapping, symptomology, and other non-invasive techniques are how I assess what is going on in the body and create a customized protocol based on my findings.


I work with all sorts of clients and conditions to help them get to the root cause and illuminate how to take charge of their health and get lasting results using specific tools to bring the body back into harmony with itself.

One of my passions is to help women with hormonal balance, fertility, healthy pregnancies, and preventing or reversing postpartum depletion and depression via nutrient dense foods, herbs, tinctures, and some other restoritive tools to restore ease and vibrancy on all levels.

I was trained and certified by The Institute Of Regenerative Health, The Health Coach Institute, and I have a certificate in mindfulness & emotional intelligence by Stanford University's Clarity Catalyst program.


My protocols may include, but not be limited to: holistic nutrition, detoxification, herbal tinctures, phototherapy patches, cellular redox signaling support, & micronutrient support to get you from surviving to thriving in your body.

Regenerative health is the philosophy that we can heal and regenerate our bodies through diet changes and detoxification. It's an understanding of our body's authentic genetic disposition in combination with external factors affecting it, and how the body can regenerate itself when in alignment with the principles of nature. It's a system of reversing disease and discomfort by addressing the root cause.

With simple self-care practices, herbal support, and the saturation of superfood nutrition, our body returns to its natural state of wellness. 

If there is deep congestion and toxicity in the body sometimes we may need extra support in order to  turn a condition completely around. I've incorporated some of the most powerful scientific tools in the regenerative industry for those who may need it. 

It is truly an honor to teach that suffering is optional on all levels, physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually!

If you are looking to embark upon your own healing journey or learn more about my programs/offerings and trainings contact me now, check out my 'Pricing & Services'  page, or click below to schedule a consult!


What People Are Saying
After Their Regenerative Journey


With the right SUPPORT and the right ENVIRONMENT the BODY is DESIGNED to REGENERATE itself!

In May of this year (2023), I finally decided after 4 years of experiencing hot flashes, night sweats, brain fog and periods so bad I couldn’t leave the house for two days that it was time to go to the doctor. My doctors told me that they weren’t sure why, but my estrogen levels were more than double what they consider “too high” at 798 pg/mL (normal is between 50-170 pg/mL), and that we could try one of two things…either a $3000 shot to shut down my ovaries or a $30,000 hysterectomy. They didn’t even know if it would help! I went to Ilsa and after 3 weeks I had the first normal cycle in 5 years! THREE WEEKS! Now three months later, I have zero night sweats, zero hot flashes, my brain works again and my cycles are like 4 days long with no heavy days. Last week I had my estrogen levels tested and it dropped to 93 pg/mL, well within the normal range. It dropped 700 pg/mL in 3 months and I have my body back, my inflammation is down everywhere and I feel like myself again. It is mind blowing really. Ilsa did an analysis of my iris, walked me through what my options were and how they could help my body detox while making sure that I had the proper nutrition coming into my body as well. She saved me thousands of dollars, a painful surgery or two and early menopause which is what would have happened if I had gone that direction. She is also incredibly sweet and so fun to work with! Can’t recommend her enough!

-Meghan Stockman-

My experience of regenerative health care...

My frame weighed 108# at my lowest point in my 7 year struggle with IBS. After my first month I had made great improvements. I was able to reintroduce foods I hadn't been able to eat in years without digestive distress. Today, 1 year later, I have recovered to my goal. 120# & symptom free. Ilsa guided me with customized protocols, using food & herbs as medicine. She was also invaluable offering emotional support throughout this amazing process.

- Nancy D.


"We often forget that WE ARE NATURE, nature is NOT something SEPERATE from US, and we have to COME BACK to it to REGENERATE our cells and systems"


“SYMPTOMS are NOT enemies to be DESTROYED, they are sacred MESSENGERS to ENCOURAGE us to take better CARE of OURSELVES.”

Ilsa has made my journey through regenerative health so amazing because she is supportive and helpful and gives me great advice and she's there whenever I feel like I’m falling back. After my 30 day transformation protocol I lost 15 lbs!!! I’ve been trying to lose this weight for 10 years! And I’ve been able to maintain that easily, without any extra effort. I no longer have belly bloat, I have so much more energy, no more racing mind, I’m sleeping better than ever, I feel satiated, satisfied, and radiant! It was all so simple and doable, and Ilsa is just wonderful to work with! These products are absolutely amazing! I feel deeply nourished on a whole new level! Go with Ilsa, spark your health! you will win! 

-Julie D.

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